Hello there,sir.Remember me?It has really been a long time since my last comment(wow,time flies by,doesn't it?)How have you been?I saw your game and your username and the memories just came flooding back.I hope it isn't too late to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year for the past years!I really owed you those!
Dear 0Hayes,
Firstly,sorry for writing this long after the game has been updated.The game has really improved a lot with the health pickups and the regeneration ability in mutated form,making the difficulty of the gameplay a lot more comfortable.Along with its survival platformer concept and medals,this game is truly an addictive way to kill some time and challenge the player.It can still be a little difficult occasionally even in easy mode when small rocks,too small to be boulders can cause the same damage as larger ones,a little too much damage for a pebble.Maybe it could cause only half a heart to be lost in normal form and none in mutated form.Anyway,as this is supposed to be a survival game,this is not much of a problem.Also,is there any chance that there is going to be a second part or a game like this in future?Please reply.Thanks.
Hey there,
Not to worry, thanks you for your updated review!
I'll see what I can do about the boulders, as right now I'm not actually that happy with them, they seem a little too difficult.
As for a sequel, well we have been working on brining it to mobile, more info here http://www.mo-mentumgame.com/
Although for the time being its on hold. To keep up to date, follow us on Twitter, or like us on Facebook